Poo Pourri
Yes, this is really a product. I kid you not!
And the funny thing is, not that this is not funny in and of itself already, but this is really is a good idea. Now does it work? Well, I saw Bob heading into his bathroom with a newspaper the other day and I said ” Stop – I have to do something, before you do your do-do – that you do so well”. He waited and I spritzed the bowl water, just as the manual instructed. And then I sent him in.
And believe it or not – it worked. Now, I have no idea where you buy this nor how often you might find yourself in need of it. I suspect that at the moment you need it most – it is sitting home in your bathroom and not at the restaurant with one toilet and a line forming outside while you are pooing. But if you ever thought this this was a good idea, you can rest assured that someone has come to your rescue. Sprtiz On.
Faux Farm Girl