I Need Another Shed
Did you ever notice that all the real farms have lots of barns and sheds and out buildings. I only have this one shed and so I think to “farm the place up” a bit I need another shed or two. I added the cuppola and the pergola a couple years ago. We keep our John Deere and garending tools in this shed.
This is a called a Quaker Chicken Coop. Daniel King makes them. He is Amish and has a woodshop on his farm down the road from me. He described all the ammenties about the roost and the nesting boxes and the other features of this coop. I stood there and listened intently and then told him. ” Daniel, I don’t have any chickens. I just think the shed is cute”. I happened to have Sylvan’s two youngest boys with me and they told him all about the Faux Farm. He smiled.I think he thought “crazy english lady”. He is going to make mine white, with white windows and a brown roof. So then all the kids and I went inside the little chicken coop shed and decided that the roosting bench would make a nice seat and little Ruben Lee, who is 7, said we could keep some books in the nesting boxes and this could be the reading shed. I am going to put it on the other side of the house to balance things out. I haven’t even told Bob about the chicken coop – won’t he be surprised when it arrives next week!
But wait there is more. I saw this very cool shed and I absolutely love it. So then I thought maybe I could get this shed for the back of the property as a little hang out shed. Maybe a little guest house out back. This one is a 10 foot diameter, but they have larger ones also. But now we are talking some real money and commitment. This ain’t no little 5 x 8 chicken coop. And then…
I mean if we are talking big money for the white 6 sided shed how much is this baby. Now, I am really thinking about a guest house out back. This shed even has stairs and a second floor. We could have kerosene lamps, and lodge furniture and one of those gravity water showers. How cool is that – a lodge for the Faux Farm. I have no idea the dimensions or more importantly the cost – but it got me thinking. Always a dangerous thing. I’ll let you know, but for now all we have coming to the Faux Farm is the chicken coop. So don’t be packing up the camping gear yet. Stay tuned.