What – No Cheez-its!!!!!!!!
I don’t get the toilet paper thing – use baby wipes – use a washcloth – use a leaf.
I don’t get the water thing – hello – turn on the faucet in your kitchen.
I don’t even get the bread thing – I have a bread maker – I can do that.
But Cheez-Its!
Oh I get that. It’s not like I can actually make them. I went to several stores and then the almightly Amazon and guess what – NO Cheez -Its for at least 2 weeks. All it says is limited quantity in red letters with a red exclamation point. That’s the exact same color red and language they use for Purelll. Which you can make yourself if you have alcohol but unfortunately that has the red exclamation point as well.
So just to be clear – Cheez-Its, Purell and rubbing alcohol are all in the same category of “you can’t get that anytime soon – too bad you didn’t think of hoarding it earlier.”
If I don’t go outside I really don’t need the Purell or rubbing alcohol but the Cheez-Its? That’s gonna hurt.