Memorial Day in 1000 Islands
I always like to start off the season with a photo of the dock. Watching it change over the course of the summer fascinates me. We only have the old reeds from last year showing and the new growth has not started yet. However, things are growing in the garden, like my lilacs!
They smelled so great. I remember picking lilacs as a little kid from a tree near the woods (someone else’s tree i suspect) and just smelling them all the way home. The smell takes me right back there. I coudln’t have been more than ten years old because we moved when I was 11. I love the smell of lilacs.
Joey’s girlfriends, Lucy and Gracie are back and ready to play.
My view towards the channel is better than ever.
The view from my sister’s place isn’t too shabby either. I took this one from her side yard so you could see her fancy schancy railings.
Here is the swim cove, the summer raft hasn’t been put in yet.
The Pavillion looks great and made it through the tough winter.
As did these boathouses.
This is the view from across the river looking back into Fineview.
And here is a great photo of the bridge on Interstate 81 that goes over the St Lawrence River.
And now we will finish us with an evening photo of the yacht club dock from our dock.