Packing Up
Dont be fooled by this pile in the front hallway. There is another larger pile waiting in the garage. I hope it all fits in the two SUV’s. We are leaving tomorrow to take Becca off to college in Syracuse. She has packed everything she owns.
I don’t know if this is because she feels she needs to surround herself with all her belongings for security, or because she is making a big break and feels that she will not be coming back or because she thinks if she leaves it behind, one of her two sisters will take her stuff. Probably a bit of all three. With a strong emphasis on the last one. It is sad to go into her room that she has vacated and is willing to give to her younger sister. Jill has started to move her things into the hallway in anticipation of the move to a larger room. Becca asked her to at least wait until she was actually gone. I don’t know if I like the idea of Jill taking her room but if they are both alright with the idea I guess it is fine. Now the next problem will be getting all of this stuff into the two cars. Then of course it will have to be moved up two flights of stairs into the dorm and the final problem will be fitting it into the dorm room. Then of course we will go through the process of whittling it down to what she needs, wants and can actually fit in said dorm room. Then and only then can we repack the excess and bring it back down the two flights of stairs and put it back into the cars and drag it back home. I am sad about her leaving and yet happy that she is moving onto a whole new world. I hope she is very happy but secretly I hope she misses us too! I know we will really miss her. Her little sister Jill will miss her dearly as they have been good buddies and good company for each other.