I totally forgot to tell you about Donny and Halloween, so here it is.His mother had him all dressed up for trick or treating and as they walked down their driveway he asked this question. “Tell me again, why we are getting all dressed up to go to the neighbors to get pieces of candy when we have a whole giant bowl of candy in our own house?” Yeah, answer me that one! When he put it like that you really did have to question the sense of trick or treating. I mean it was cold and dark and he didn’t even really know the neighbors and what about all the lectures about taking candy from strangers. The kid had a valid point. But on they marched to the neighbors and my sister rang the bell and the kids all shouted “trick or treat” and all was well with the world for that moment. The neighbor lady opened the door, acted surprised and then presented each of the kids with a decorative baggy with two little snickers in it. Donny took the little baggy, held it up to the light, inspected it and then said “REALLY, two snickers?” My sister was embarrassed and the lady quickly gave Donny another baggy. He looked at her and said “thank you” and then looked at my sister and said “Are you happy, can we go home now?”