A horse of a different color.
Lots of horses for sale at the Bart Auction. Oh wait, wrong horse, this guy is from Vegas, can you tell?
Now that more like it. I don’t think I could have been in two more different worlds in one week if I tried. I was in Vegas the first part of last week and then yesterday I went to the Bart Auction benefiting the local Bart Township fire company. Also called mud auctions as they are held every March and the ground is usually muddy from the winter thaw. It was a nice enough day and the ground was fairly dry. Cheryl, the quilter, went with me and we had fun eating, and looking around and buying a few quilts and a saddle!
See, not too much mud at this auction.
They had milk cans and carriages for sale.
These auctions are supported by the Amish as a way to get out and socialize as much as it is to support the fire companies.
Next week is the big Gordonville Auction and I can’t wait. I only hope the weather is nice. Last year it rained something awful and only the hearty were there. That included me and I was one wet, cold Englisher. Hope to see you there!