LA Day 3, Bikes and Botox
Riding bikes again in Venice beach. Moved up to a hot pink 3 speed, with a basket. See if those kids ask me for free pot now. Rode past the Dr. Kush office, located in a store front on the boardwalk and had to stop ask about it. Here’s the dope on the kush. Which, by the way. I had no idea was a secret special word for pot until today. How 60’s am I? Not at all, I am from the 70’s which makes me way younger than those kids thought I was. Punks! Kid with placard touting Dr. Kush told me that you make an appointment with the doctor, he takes your vitals and you tell him your pains. He then determines that medicinal marijuana is the drug for you and gives you a prescription. You take said prescription to marijuana dispensary and get your drugs. Try not to pass the kids looking for free weed even though they have parked themselves outside the dispensary like bank robbers at the ATM. By the way, Dr Kush shares office space with Botox At the Beach which quite frankly was a lot more alluring to me than the pot which would only make me tired and hungry. The Botox on the other hand would return me to my youth, which is a lot more appealing to me these days than getting high. Pot is only good for a few hours, Botox lasts for 6 months!